Located above Tintwhistle in the Dark Peak
Flying out of RAF Lindholme on the 20th December 1948. The Lancaster crashed into the hillside on the stroke of midnight .
It was engulfed in flames except for the tail section which had snapped off and been thrown clear from the burning wreckage .One of the crew initially survived the impact only to die within an hour of the crash. His watch had reportedly stopped at 10 seconds to midnight .
Seven crew died in the crash they were
F/Sgt. J.S Thompson Pilot
F/Sgt. V. Graham Flt. Eng.
F/Lt P.M. Maskell Nav
F/Lt T.I. Johnson Inst.
F/Lt.D.W.H.Harris Inst
F/Sgt R.Smith Sig
F/Sgt W.A.Love Sig
This was a Mk. 1 Lancaster which was converted to Converted to Mk.VII FE (Far East),