
Tuesday 15 June 2010


Near Old Town above Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire

These are the fragments we found , part of which appears to be a section of windshield 

An ommission we were determined to correct.

We spent a few weeks researching and colating all we could regarding the incident ( a part played well by Ian in Hebden Library), I had less success chasing access to the National Archives , due to prohibitive costs ( they would not even give us a quote, it was so expensive ).

With accrued info from the Library and interviews with the pilot found on the internet, we decided to use logic and map reading skills , checking areas with a metal detector once possible sites were narrowed down .

First we plotted likely trajectories then used eye witness accounts to eliminate the least probable . Very good descriptions of the terrain surrounding the crash were available and by cross refering them we continued to narrow the possibles down .

After a couple of misses , we found a very likely spot and whilst I paced out 80 yrds in a deep furrow uphill from a destroyed wall , Ian walked behind with metal detector testing the water so to speak . About 60yrds up we began to get signals in a muddy water course, delving in with our hands a series of small finds came to light , scraping away the dirt off one we found what appeared to be a part of a frame work with a small piece of glass with it. Other pieces of copper and alloy emerged , some having traces of paint others showing signs of violent impact ,some partially melted .

Surely this was the site of the crash .

We had used documentry Evidence to walk into an open moorland in search of the remains of a crashed aircraft and when we looked hard we found ,in the designated place ,evidence that resembled finds from other aircrash sites that we have seen.

We have replaced the finds in the water course .

This is the view from the furthest extent of the crash site beyond the fence is a wall demolished by the aircraft

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