
Sunday 23 June 2013

Republic P-47 42-22758

little remains visible at this site now
 Taking off out of East Wretham in Norfolk on the 6th February 1944 as part of a flight of 5 P-47.s on route to BAD2 Wharton ,the pilot became lost in deteriorating weather . It is believed that he circled trying to find his whereabouts until he ran out of fuel . Then with little options open to him he began a gradual glide ,controlled descent , but unfortunately clipped one of the  ridges of Pendle Hill and crashed into its flank .
The pilot who was killed was 

Flt.Officer J.R.Runnells

At the site today can be seen a very few small fragments of wreckage and a number of exlpoded and unexploded 20mm shells. We also found amongst the heather what appears to be the tip of the aircrafts aerial antennae .


  1. Good to see these again Paul. That antenna tip was a nice find. Doubt it is still there, some magpie will have seen it and pinched it.

  2. quite a scary event, to have to descend the way he did. 'beware, lest the earth come up to smite thee' comes to mind. great images Paul.

  3. P-47s did not carry 20mm armament...had eight .50 caliber machine guns.

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