
Monday 9 December 2013

WW2 Memorabilia

 Here  are a few shots of Luftwaffe associated memorabilia that are owned by a friend of mine .

Above can be seen two examples of the very rare Butterfly bomb .The action of releasing them from the aircraft set a chain of events in motion . The 'wings' of the bomb deployed causing drag and the bomb would begin to spin downwards relitively slowly to earth ...the spinning motion armed the bomb . It could be set to go off either on impact or by timer .  A small bomb that was released in clusters .

Below is a Heeres-Flakabzeichen awarded to Flak crews for shooting down Allied aircraft !

These were awarded on a points system . 16 points being the requisite number required for getting one . 4 were awarded for a crew who shot down an allied aircraft (2 for a shared kill) and points and badges  could also be awarded individually  for bravery in the act of trying to shoot down aircraft  !
German incendaries . These rained down upon British cities in their thousands

a selection of WW2 german gas masks , one of which is from a flak crew

1 comment:

  1. Interesting stuff Paul. You have to admire the fire watchers and fire crews during the war, picking up incendiaries and chucking them off rooftops or out of harms way.
