
Thursday 30 January 2014

Miles Master DL981

Miles Master DL981

The  rebuilt section of wall the aircraft demolished  as it crashed , the fragments we found are in this field

Flying out of Leaconfield   to Squires Gate Blackpool  on the 16th September 1949, crashed  and burst into flames. It appears that the pilot may have been trying to land , but the cloud was low so he could just have become disorientated.

Pilot Reginald B. Price
Flying Officer Sydney I. Rowe
Both were killed in the crash .

They came down 100 yards from the The Pack Horse Inn at Widdop . Clipping the top of the wall on one side of the road , demolishing a section of wall on the other side before coming to rest in an adjacent moor/field .

We have heard rumour that the aircrafts engine amongst other parts  is still in the area ...somewhere !
Perhaps buried ,perhaps in a barn or even rolled down off the ridge , who knows ?

Looking towards the pub with the rebuilt wall
Fragments we found , the jury is out on the tube like piece but the rest are definately aircraft .  We only did a short search but with documentary evidence and a few finds , the location of the crash site is confirmed .

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