
Saturday 18 January 2014

Halifax at Yorkshire Air Museum

 A visit to Yorkshire Air Museum  , a  right royal treat for my 5oth birthday  . These are shots of inside the Halifax there of only two that exsist today . The shot above is of the pilot seat and controls .
looking toward the bomb aimers /front gun position

navigators table
rear turret


  1. Smashing set of photos. Although a totally different aircraft, I was able, when watching Memphis Belle last night for the 50th time, to appreciate how it could have been for bomber crews. The scene where the Navigator tries to get the Bombardier to release the bombs when he couldn't see the target for instance, I could better picture the scene and imagine how tense it must have been, all crew members waiting for the bombs to go so they could get the hell out.

    1. Yes I know what you mean ....despite the Halifax being huge inside it is still a wide open but confined space ,, contradictions abound here but all make sense in a way !
