
Friday 16 May 2014

RAF Llanbedr

RAF Llanbedr
A 12 Group Fighter Command airfield during the war it was used as a gunnery school flying target tugs from it .
Post war it was used as a V-Force dispersal field and a drone testing centre .
It closed in 2004 . more recently it has been aquired by the Kemble Airfield Group  and pilotless craft are once again flown and tested here .
the shots below are of some disused bunkers along side of a perimeter road by the airfield.
Hangers and outbuildings still in very useable condition

I took a shot of the interior of this shelter

inside the shelter


  1. These are great photos Paul. An interesting place, lot of old buildings still remaining. What was the one we visited with Al in Lincs after we had been to see Just Jane - the control tower was there but nothing else? I have some unused photos of that place, need to dig them out.
