
Sunday 19 February 2017

'Woodford' Style Pillbox


Built between 1941 and 1942 one of a ring of 12 pillboxes providing defensive cover around Woodford Airfield and Aircraft Factory in Cheshire. The Pillboxes also formed a part of Western Stop Line no.6.
Built in a manner often seen with Seagull trenches this one consists of a stone/brick wall with a concrete lid on 4 posts added to it.
Set at a low level to the surrounding countryside only the slit and lid would have been visible to any attackers. This version does not have any blast walls either inside or out. The 12 'Woodford' Pillboxes whilst similar do not all follow the same exact format, though most seem to have large slits and a slab roof on posts. Some do have an external blast wall and whilst most are square some have a curved front wall.
They are not listed in normal pillbox classifications and are deemed specials, exclusive to the Woodford area.
Below can be seen two others, photographs courtesy of the The Defense of Britain Database.

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