Thursday 20 March 2014

1939 dated Air Ministry Navigation Dividers

Navigation Dividers

 A lucky find on my local flea market . I bought them because I thought they would be useful at work , at around 7'' long they are smaller and more solidly built than my other ones i use for marking out .
I started to clean them up at home when I noticed the date , 1939 , i thought , they cannot be , can they ?
So a little more cleaning and a closer look ...and yes , a crown with AM stamped beneath .
Air Ministry issue dividers ....good uns too they even still have the very fine adjuster on the top . I have had a look on the net and they seem few and far between with a working adjuster ....its far more common for it to just be something to hold it by .
It made my day ...i,m easily pleased :-)
The AM is hard to see but its there !


  1. That's brilliant Paul! How about that. Moore and Wright still going as well. Interesting you chose them because they were more solid than ones made last year.

    1. Yeah ,they are really chunky , there doesnt seem to be any play or twist in them modern pair flex about all over the place . Its funny innit ....everything I pick up seems to be linked to aviation . maybe the subconscious takes over and leads me to it . On the same market there was an Omega watch (allegedly a german aviators one ) stamped on the back made by Krupps in 1939 (coincidently) around a large Swastika ...... I left it well alone , checking it out when i got home it turns out to one made for tourists and sightseers post war .A forgery ! They did compasses the same too. The spelling was wrong and the swastika back to front . Luckily the dividers were on a different stall and there is no added value to putting an AM stamp on something like that so forgery here is very very unlikely .
